Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core MaskedTextBox Overview
Change Theme
defaultDefault Theme
- Main
- Main Dark
- Nordic
- Ocean Blue
- Ocean Blue A11Y
- Purple
- Turquoise
Bootstrap Theme- Main
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap 3 Dark
- Main Dark
- Nordic
- Turquoise
- Turquoise Dark
- Urban
- Vintage
Material Theme- Main
- Arctic
- Lime Dark
- Main Dark
- Nova
Classic Theme- Main
- Green
- Green Dark
- Lavender
- Lavender Dark
- Main Dark
- Metro
- Metro Dark
- Moonlight
- Opal
- Opal Dark
- Silver
- Silver Dark
- Uniform
Fluent Theme- Main
Also available for:
CLIENT-SIDE API HTML HELPER APIThe MaskedTextBox component is part of Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core, a professional grade UI library with 110+ components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.
The Telerik MaskedTextBox for ASP.NET Core component enables you to define and render a controlled text input that is based on a specific format. The helper enables you to define its value and mask value, and set custom mask rules, prompt characters, and culture names.
This example demonstrates the basic configuration for the MaskedTextBox.
The MaskedTextBox control is part of Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core, a professional-grade UI library with 110+ components for building modern and feature-rich web applications. The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core MaskedTextBox is a server-side wrapper for the Kendo UI for jQuery MaskedTextBox component and supports an HtmlHelper and a TagHelper mode.
Functionality and Features
- Appearance–With the supported API, you can easily style the appearance of the MaskedTextBox.
- Events–The MaskedTextBox supports an extensive set of events to which you can subscribe.
- Floating label–The MaskedTextBox allows you to use a floating label, which displays the type of input a field requires.
- API–The MaskedTextBox exposes rich client-side API and events, which provide easy configuration or extension points for custom functionality on top of the built-in features.
- Globalization–The globalization process of the MaskedTextBox combines the translation of the component messages (localization) with adapting them to specific cultures (internationalization and right-to-left support).
- RTL support–The right-to-left (RTL) support of the MaskedTextBox reflects the ability to render its content in a right-to-left direction for right-to-left languages, such as Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, or Japanese.
- Validation–The MaskedTextBox provides a set of predefined mask rules and enables you to modify them.