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ASP.NET Core Grid Multi-Column Headers
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Bootstrap Theme- Main
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap 3 Dark
- Main Dark
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Material Theme- Main
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- Main Dark
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Classic Theme- Main
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- Green Dark
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- Lavender Dark
- Main Dark
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- Metro Dark
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- Opal Dark
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- Silver Dark
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Fluent Theme- Main
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The ASP.NET Core DataGrid supports a multi-column header functionality, which renders the column headers in a tree-like structure where the user can group one or more columns together by a common header.
This demo shows how to specify column groups which incorporate
inner-column structures—the Contact Info and
Location columns have nested columns which are defined trough the Column Builder through the
columns.Group(group => group.Title"Contact Info").Columns(col => { col.Bound(x => x.ContactTitle).Width(200);}));
configuration. In addition, operations like sorting and filtering are supported on each column level,
regardless of the chosen multi-header pattern.
For more information about the multi-column header functionality, refer to the official Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Data Grid product documentation on implementing column headers.