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ASP.NET MVC Line Charts Error Bars
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- Ocean Blue A11Y
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Bootstrap Theme- Main
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap 3 Dark
- Main Dark
- Nordic
- Turquoise
- Turquoise Dark
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Material Theme- Main
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- Main Dark
- Nova
Classic Theme- Main
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- Green Dark
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- Lavender Dark
- Main Dark
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- Metro Dark
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- Opal Dark
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- Silver Dark
- Uniform
Fluent Theme- Main
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This demo illustrates how to show variability of data using the Error Bars feature of the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Line Chart. The Error bars are specified as part of the Series setting and are offered by the following Series types: Area, Vertical Area, Column, Bar, Line, Vertical Line, Scatter and ScatterLine.
The error bars support statistical calculations based on the series data. The supported types are percentage value, standard error and population standard deviation and other. To specify that percentage error should be used, you need to set "percentage(Int)" as a value, i.e.
.ErrorBars(errorBars => errorBars.Value("percentage(20"))
You can find more information in the following help article: Error Bars.