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ASP.NET MVC TreeView Local Data Binding

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Apart from declaratively defining the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC TreeView items within the helper configuration, you can bind the component to local or remote data based on your application requirements.

Binding the TreeView locally on the server can be implemented by passing the data collection to the BindTo() method.

The current demo illustrates two approaches for binding the TreeView to local data:

  • (Default) Using inline data—An IEnumerable of TreeViewItemModel is stored in a ViewBag and passed to the BindTo() method. The TreeViewItem Model has an Items field that holds the child nodes (it is a List property). If a given node has items, the Expand icon will be visible.
  • Mapping Model properties—An IEnumerable of a specified Model, for example, "CategoryItem", is stored in a ViewBag and passed to another overload of the BindTo() method: the first argument is an IEnumerable of a Model, and the second is the action, which creates a hierarchy of items by using the specified mappings. For example, the child nodes will be bound to the SubCategories property, and the CategoryItem Model properties will be mapped to TreeViewItem properties.

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