RadTagCloud styles the items, with different weight, using font-size and color. The items with greater weight have greater font size, and different color. The user can easily control how the font-size and color is distributed among the tags.
The range of the font size, the keywords could have, can be defined using the MinFontSize and MaxFontSize properties. Both of them take values of type System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit, so the user can specify whether the font size is applied in pixels, percentage values, em values and so on, by setting the values to the MinFontSize and MaxFontSize in the desired System.Web.UI.WebControls.UnitType.The default values for the MinFontSize and MaxFontSize properties are 10px and 20px, respectively.
Similarly, as the font-size, the fore color of the tagCloud items can be specified using the MinColor and MaxColor properties. The default value of both properties is System.Drawing.Color.Empty, which means the fore color is applied from the built-in skins. Note that you need to supply values to both properties, in order for the items to have their fore color dynamically applied. In case the ForeColor is also specified, the value of the ForeColor property will not be applied.