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Spreadsheet - Tools
- Change Theme
- Tools.razor
- SpreadsheetConstants.cs
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The Telerik Spreadsheet component allows the application to change the tools set, customize built-in tools, and implement custom tools.
This example shows how to define a tool set with a custom tool order and a custom tool that integrates the Spreadsheet with Telerik RadSpreadProcessing to modify the loaded Excel file programmatically. In this case, RadSpreadProcessing freezes the top rows and first column in the first sheet.
This Blazor Spreadsheet Tools example is part of a unique collection of hundreds of Blazor demos, with which you can see all Telerik UI for Blazor components and their features in action. View the source code of the demos from the library or directly adapt, and edit them and their theme appearance in Telerik REPL for Blazor or ThemeBuilder.