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TreeList - Column Virtualization
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Id | First Name | Last Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | Extension | Birth Date | Hire Date | Position |
1 | Daryl | Sweeney | P.O. Box 427, 5676 Arcu. Rd. | Castelvecchio Calvisio | ||||||
2 | Guy | Wooten | Ap #348-1754 Lacus Avenue | Acoz | ||||||
31 | Buffy | Weber | P.O. Box 513, 2702 Rutrum. Av. | The Hague | ||||||
51 | Skyler | Cleveland | Ap #338-3907 Enim Av. | Queanbeyan | ||||||
3 | Priscilla | Frank | 1569 Cras Road | Wells | ||||||
4 | Ursula | Holmes | 221-4534 Vitae, Ave | Sarre | ||||||
24 | Melvin | Carrillo | 7102 Consequat St. | St. David's | ||||||
28 | Martha | Chavez | Ap #111-9321 Ultrices Avenue | Pontedera | ||||||
29 | Oren | Fox | P.O. Box 975, 4139 Ac Avenue | Ikot Ekpene | ||||||
40 | Amos | Barr | 1330 Ac Street | Schw?bisch Gm?nd |
- Column-virtualization.razor
- EmployeeDirectoryService.cs
- EmployeeDirectoryDto.cs
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The Telerik Blazor TreeList provides Virtual Scrolling for its Columns so only the DOM elements in the visible viewport of the treelist render. This improves the performance and responsiveness of other rendering operations such as paging and filtering.
This Blazor TreeList Column Virtualization example is part of a unique collection of hundreds of Blazor demos, with which you can see all Telerik UI for Blazor components and their features in action. View the source code of the demos from the library or directly adapt, and edit them and their theme appearance in Telerik REPL for Blazor or ThemeBuilder.