Blazor Stock Chart - Overview


Control the Stock Chart appearance

  • Overview.razor
  • StockService.cs
  • StockDto.cs
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The Stock Chart component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.


The Telerik UI for Blazor Stock Chart component is designed for financial applications. The Stock Chart is a price chart that plots a financial stock’s price over a period. Whether you need to display daily, monthly or yearly values, you can customize this component to match your themes.

The Telerik UI for Blazor StockChart supports many distinct types of stock charts, including line, bar, candlestick, OHLC (open-high-low-close), area and column. You can select the best chart type based on the information that needs to be visualized. You can also leverage the Telerik UI for Blazor StockChart navigator that presents a pane, allowing users to quickly define a date range and, as in its name, navigate through all the information represented in the chart to zero in on the data.

When it comes to customizable attributes, you can modify font types, background colors, line patterns, the position of the Navigator, rotate the angles of all labels, and page layouts along with tooltips. If you wish to use preexisting templates, you have the flexibility within the Telerik UI for Blazor StockChart component to bring your own template.

 With the Telerik UI for Blazor StockChart, you can bind data to the component and include added values along with a date and time field when working with a data series. When you need precise values, the Telerik UI for Blazor StockChart is equipped with Crosshairs. Crosshairs are a pair of lines that allow you to expand your view beyond trends and zoom in on single data points to quickly interpret values.

When working with data points, the Telerik UI for Blazor StockChart offers Tooltips that are triggered when the user moves the mouse over the data point. The Tooltips are themeable, giving you the ability to customize their appearance.

 The Telerik UI for Blazor Stock Chart will also trigger the OnSeriesClick event whenever the user clicks on a data series. The built-in event handler records details about the click, and the associated click handler can display additional details about the data point or handle the execution of custom logic for you.

This Blazor Stock Chart Overview example is part of a unique collection of hundreds of Blazor demos, with which you can see all Telerik UI for Blazor components and their features in action. View the source code of the demos from the library or directly adapt, and edit them and their theme appearance in Telerik REPL for Blazor or ThemeBuilder.

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