Blazor Carousel - Overview
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The Carousel component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.
The Telerik UI for Blazor Carousel component helps you provide your users with an element that allows them to scroll through a collection of images or any other type of rich content. You simply embed the component on the page and configure its properties, and users see a beautiful and interactive container. Various configuration options for paging, automatic page change, time interval setup and keyboard navigation support are built in.
As with other components included in Telerik UI for Blazor, the behavior of the Carousel is highly customizable. Built-in options include:
- Show or hide Arrows: These are previous and next buttons that appear at either side of the container.
- Show or hide Pager: This is the control at the bottom of the screen that uses dots to represent pages. Users can click them to navigate. The pager also shows what page is currently displayed by highlighting its corresponding dot.
- Automatic navigation: With this option enabled, the pages will advance automatically.
- Navigation interval: This allows you to set the amount of time that passes until a page is automatically changed.
- Enable or disable Endless Loop: With this option enabled, the Blazor Carousel will automatically scroll through the images without ever stopping.
- Programmatic navigation: Set the page to navigate to. A common use case is using a control that lets the user specify what page number they want to see.
You can also easily customize the Blazor Carousel appearance by setting its height and width and using templates to style the page contents.