What is this Sample Application about?

TripXpert is a sample application built with Telerik ® UI for ASP.NET AJAX. The app demonstrates how you can integrate some of the most popular controls and leverage their mobile capabilities. Telerik ASP.NET AJAX controls provide user experience tailored to the user’s screen size, so make sure you check out the app’s look and feel on different devices.

TripXpert is a trip-planning app that enables users to:

  • Browse available trips
  • Discover interesting information about destinations
  • Browse images and videos of trips and destinations
  • Upload images from their own trips
  • View maps of the destinations’ locations
  • View a calendar of accommodation availability
  • Submit inquiries

What was it built with?

What are the requirements to run this sample app locally?

If you'd like to take a look behind the curtain, download the source code. You can examine and modify it to meet your project requirements. To run the sample app locally, you’ll need the respective or later version of the following products:

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Download
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 Download
Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 Download

Browser Support Windows Mac OS Linux
Internet Explorer 8.0+ N/A
Firefox Current, previous and ESR
Google Chrome Current and previous
Opera 15.0+(Blink) and 12.0+(Presto)
Mobile Browsers Version
Safari Mobile 5.0+
Android Native Browser 2.3+
Chrome Mobile Yes
Opera Mobile 14.0+
IE Mobile 10.0+